Thursday, June 19, 2008

Today morning,xiaann and leyton came to my house.I called xiaann only but leyton came along with her.Got ready and went to school with nicole.When we reached school,back gate wasn't open so while waiting we had bubble tea.As soon as the gate opened,we all went in.Played some games and chit chated with the others.Class was as usual,Borringg.It has been like 2 weeks since i actually studied.I really feel like a lazy bumm.Heehh.

Im currently pissed off by Someone.I sure hope you know who you are Cos' this one's for you. So you consider yourself as a friend!?! If you do,think twice.Because we all believe that Your a freaking annoying,selfish,backstabber,ffk-er, and also bullshitter.I can't believe you would say thoose things.After all we've done for you,this is what you do to us!? Everytime i look at you,your either flirting with a guy or talking about someone behind their backs.I really really had enough with you.I could go on and on and on but i rather not waste my time.I've got a better way to release my anger.But,once again before i go...



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